Thursday, October 20, 2016

Its Been Awhile But I'm Back!

Oh my goodness! Its been awhile since I've blogged, but I'm back to blogging with a positive attitude and commitment to consistently blog, and to focus on celebrating the amazing things going on in Mason City CSD as well as in the school library world!

How could an entire year fly by and I didn't blog about the incredible things that happened in Mason City CSD K-12 school libraries?! Could it be that running 7 school libraries kept me plenty busy?!  At least I was on Twitter to share about the great things that happened throughout the year.  You can also check out this Google presentation of what was accomplished from the 2015-2016 school year.


I admit it was hard to start this blog post.  I've beaten myself up mentally many times about not blogging consistently.  Heck, check out my blog post from a year ago, where I talk about this same exact thing!  Sometimes I get stuck mentally on what I haven't done or accomplished, which is challenging for me to get past that mental block and start back up again.

Throughout the years, I've learned from family, friends, teachers, coaches, and even students, that all it takes is to get back into the starting blocks and move forward, so that is what I'm doing with this blog post; in the starting blocks and moving forward!  My fellow teacher-librarian friends have also taught me in the past year that a blog post can be as something as simple as sharing a picture, or two, or more.  So, my blog posts may be just pictures.  No matter what my choice of delivering format is, the most important thing is to share and celebrate Mason City CSD and the school library world.

Image result for usain bolt starting blocks
Usain Bolt inspired us to get out of the starting blocks and run our race during the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio!

The 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio was filled with inspiration, life stories, and personal testaments of what it takes to overcome challenges and be successful at earning a gold, silver, or bronze medalist, let alone be an Olympian athlete.  I am using the 2016 Summer Olympics as an inspiration for me in many aspects of my life; specifically as a teacher-librarian who serves the Mason City CSD in grades K-12.  So, I plan on blogging with commitment and consistency to share the incredible things happening in the Mason City CSD K-12 school library program, as well as what is happening in the world of teacher-librarians.  I want this year's blog posts to serve as inspiration and celebration, just as the 2016 Summer Olympics did for many of us!  Let the blogging begin!